Villa Eugenia, Hechingen

Sommerhochzeit in der Villa Eugenia

Ein Sommertag voller Liebe, Leichtigkeit und Aperol Spritz: Die Villa Eugenia in Hechingen bot die perfekte Kulisse für Laura und Julians Hochzeit. Von eleganten Details bis zum romantischen Garten – jeder Moment strahlte zeitlose Eleganz aus. Inspiriert von mediterranem Sommerfeeling entstand ein Hochzeitstag, der nicht nur in Erinnerung bleibt, sondern auch in Bildern, die Geschichten erzählen.

A grand white mansion with symmetrical wings and ornate architecture sits in a lush garden setting on a sunny day.
Musician playing a C. Bechstein grand piano in black and white.
An outdoor wedding ceremony setup with a white floral arch and chairs on the steps of a pink mansion.
Wedding couple seated on mansion steps during their outdoor celebration.
A joyful moment between a couple in white embracing during an outdoor wedding ceremony with guests watching in background.
A joyful moment shared between newlyweds wearing elegant attire during their outdoor wedding ceremony.
A tender moment between newlyweds in a garden setting, with the bride wearing a lace gown and veil.
An outdoor wedding ceremony takes place in a garden setting with guests watching beneath green trees.
A wedding couple celebrates joyfully with raised arms outside a grand pink mansion while guests applaud in the background.
Classic black and white wedding scene showing a romantic dip moment on a lawn outside an elegant white mansion.
A couple in wedding attire embrace outdoors on a grassy lawn with trees and guests in the background.
Black and white photo of a couple walking through a serene garden setting.
Newlyweds walking arm in arm along a gravel path beside a pink mansion.
Elegant couple walking along a garden path with bride holding blue and white bouquet.
Wedding guests gather for emotional embraces during reception celebrations.